Free Nutcracker Hat Pattern
Did you like my Nutcracker Shelf Sitter pattern, but wanted a more traditional hat? Read on for instructions for TWO free Nutcracker hat patterns!
If you are not familiar with my Nutcracker Shelf Sitter crochet pattern, you can read about it on this post.

I don’t know if I mentioned it before, but I designed the Nutcracker Shelf Sitter pattern for my coworker who is an AVID collector of them. The idea came to me when she was talking about her collection one day at work. I love to make handmade gifts and knew I wanted to crochet her one that I designed myself.
I made several as I designed the pattern, but none of them felt like the right one for her. Time was running out (her birthday is coming up!!) but I was able to whip one up in no time last week. I really like that this pattern works up so quickly.
My coworker prefers the more traditional nutcrackers and so I wanted to make a more traditional hat for hers. One of my testers, Donette, designed a hat pattern for her test Nutcracker (hers would also be a gift) and gave me permission to share that pattern with you guys!
Two Different Hats

As I worked Donette’s pattern, I realized I wanted a smaller, straighter hat for my project.
A new hat pattern had to be written and it came together quickly and easily being a very basic and simple hat. So you guys get the privilege of enjoying two FREE optional Nutcracker hat patterns!
My Nutcracker

For this Nutcracker, I used the Version 2 of the pattern. The yarns chosen were: I Love This Yarn (Hobby Lobby) in Dark Olive, Cranberry, and Black for his clothing. His flesh is Ivory in the same yarn brand . The fur is Yarn Bee: Fur the Moment in cream.
His embellishments were a burlap poinsettia, tiny jingle bells (both from Hobby Lobby), an antique button.
You will also need a small piece of plastic canvas and stuffing.
Free Nutcracker Hat pattern 1: by me, The WhimZ B

Pattern is worked in the round using Single Crochet stitches. Hook size is the same as the original pattern.
With Main Color (mine was the Dark Olive):
- R1: MR 6
- R2: Inc around (12)
- R3: *SC, INC* around (18)
- R4: *SCx2, INC* around (24)
- R5: *SCx3, INC* around (30)
- R6: SC around in BLO (30)
- R7-11: SC around (30)
- R12: SC around (30)
- Change back to Main Color using the Clean Color Change Technique. Tie ends of Second Color together in a double knot and trim.
- R13-14: SC around (30)
- R15: SCx10. {CREATE BILL OF HAT : In FLO, (SC, HDC) in next st, HDC INC in next 8 sts, (HDC, SC) in next st.} SCx10.
- R16: SlStx12, SCx14 around bill, SlStx12. Tie off leaving a long tail to sew hat onto head.
- Cut your plastic canvas into a circle to fit up inside the top our your hat to keep it flat. Stuff hat and sew onto head according to the directions in the original pattern.
- I hot glued the burlap poinsettia onto the hat. Feel free to use your own embellishments.
Free Nutcracker Hat Pattern 2: by Donette Robertson

Pattern is worked in the round using Single Crochet stitches. Hook size is the same as the original pattern.
- R1: with Black, MR 6
- R2: INC around (12)
- R3: *SCx1, INC* around (18)
- R4: *SCx2, INC* around (24)
- R5: *SCx3, INC* around (30)
- R6: *SCx4, INC* around (36)
- R7: In BLO, SC around (36)
- R8-9: SC around (36)
- R10: *SCx4, DEC* around (30)
- R11-16: SC around (30)
- Change to Red using the clean color change technique.
- R17-18: SC around (30)
- R19: Change back to Black and SC around (30)
- R20: in FLO (SCx2, INC) x10 (40) +2 ST past the beginning st. Move st. marker.
- R21: SlStx15, HDCx4, HDC INC x 2, HDCx4 (56) Ch.1, turn
- R22: INCx3. SlSt. Fasten off.
- Stuff hat and sew onto head according to the directions in the original pattern.
You can follow Donette on Facebook for more of her creations: The Crocheted Donut.
Haven’t gotten the Nutcracker Shelf Sitter pattern yet?
Not a problem!!
I hope you experiment with this free Nutcracker hat pattern and try one on your Nutcracker. Be sure to tag me on social media so I can see! I love seeing what you guys create!